diff mcabber/contrib/vim/mcabber_log-syntax.vim @ 1853:32bceb73895c

Update Vim syntax script, add a ftdetect script
author Mikael Berthe <mikael@lilotux.net>
date Fri, 02 Apr 2010 16:46:48 +0200
parents mcabber/contrib/mcabber_log.vim@95b4373a57a4
children ca442ece1f70
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mcabber/contrib/vim/mcabber_log-syntax.vim	Fri Apr 02 16:46:48 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:	MCabber log file
+" Maintainer:	Mikael BERTHE <mikael.berthe@lilotux.net>
+" URL:		Included in mcabber source package <http://mcabber.com>
+" Last Change:	2010-04-02
+" Save this file as ~/.vim/syntax/mcabber_log.vim
+" (and copy the ftdetect file as well)
+" Logfile format:
+" TT YYYYmmddTHH:MM:SSZ nnn Text (this line and the nnn following lines)
+" TT is the data type
+" 'YYYYmmddTHH:MM:SSZ' is a timestamp
+" XXX Please help me to improve this syntax script!
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+    finish
+" All lines (except text continuation lines) contain the date and nnn
+syn cluster mcabberlogEntry contains=mcabberlogDate,mcabberlognlines
+syn region mcabberlogStatusLine
+    \ start="^S[OFDNAI_] \d\{8\}T\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ \d\d\d "
+    \ end="\(\_^[MS][RSIOFDNAI_] \d\{8}T.\{8}Z \d\d\d \|\%$\)\@="
+    \ contains=mcabberlogStatus,@mcabberlogEntry
+syn region mcabberlogMessageLineInfo
+    \ start="^MI \d\{8\}T\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ \d\d\d "
+    \ end="\(\_^[MS][RSIOFDNAI_] \d\{8}T.\{8}Z \d\d\d \|\%$\)\@="
+    \ contains=mcabberlogMsgInfo,@mcabberlogEntry
+syn region mcabberlogMessageLineIn
+    \ start="^MR \d\{8\}T\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ \d\d\d "
+    \ end="\(\_^[MS][RSIOFDNAI_] \d\{8}T.\{8}Z \d\d\d \|\%$\)\@="
+    \ contains=mcabberlogMsgIn,@mcabberlogEntry
+syn region mcabberlogMessageLineOut
+    \ start="^MS \d\{8\}T\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ \d\d\d "
+    \ end="\(\_^[MS][RSIOFDNAI_] \d\{8}T.\{8}Z \d\d\d \|\%$\)\@="
+    \ contains=mcabberlogMsgOut,@mcabberlogEntry
+syn match mcabberlogDate "\d\{8\}T\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ" contained
+    \ contains=mcabberlogDateChar nextgroup=mcabberlognlines
+syn match mcabberlogDateChar /[TZ]/ contained
+syn match mcabberlogStatus "^S[OFDNAI_]"
+    \ contained skipwhite nextgroup=@mcabberlogStatusLine
+syn match mcabberlogMsgIn "^MR" contained skipwhite
+    \ nextgroup=@mcabberlogMessageLine
+syn match mcabberlogMsgOut "^MS" contained skipwhite
+    \ nextgroup=@mcabberlogMessageLine
+syn match mcabberlogMsgInfo "^MI" contained skipwhite
+    \ nextgroup=@mcabberlogMessageLine
+syn match mcabberlognlines "\<\d\{3\}\>" contained
+command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+HiLink mcabberlogStatus     PreProc
+HiLink mcabberlogMessageLineIn      Keyword
+HiLink mcabberlogMsgIn              Keyword
+HiLink mcabberlogMessageLineOut     Function
+HiLink mcabberlogMsgOut             Function
+HiLink mcabberlogMsgInfo            String
+HiLink mcabberlogMessageLineInfo    String
+HiLink mcabberlogDate       SpecialChar
+HiLink mcabberlogDateChar   Normal
+HiLink mcabberlognlines     Normal
+HiLink mcabberlogStatusLine Comment
+delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "mcabber_log"