bscli shows list

Display the list of all TV shows


This command lists TV shows with names starting with the provided string.

bscli shows list [starting_string]


      --limit int      Limit the number of results (0=unlimited)
      --order string   Result sort order (alphabetical/popularity/followers) (default "popularity")
      --since int      Include only shows updated since this UNIX timestamp
      --start int      Minimal TV show ID number

Options inherited from parent commands

      --api-key string         BetaSeries API key
      --config string          config file (default is $HOME/.config/bscli/bscli.yaml)
      --login string           BetaSeries login
  -o, --output string          Output format (plain|json|yaml|template) (default "plain")
      --password string        BetaSeries password
      --show-id int            BetaSeries TV show ID
      --show-thetvdb-id int    TheTVDB TV show ID
      --template string        Go template (for output=template)
      --template-file string   Go template file (for output=template)
  -v, --verbose                Verbose mode


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 9-Apr-2017