comparison mcabber/contrib/ @ 937:548def60b810

Add configuration script ( to contrib (Mulander, Karql) This is a Perl script written by Adam Wolk (Mulander) and Mateusz Karkula (Karql) to help beginners to get started with mcabber.
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Sat, 08 Jul 2006 22:07:30 +0200
equal deleted inserted replaced
936:3e592fb33aab 937:548def60b810
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 #
3 # Copyright (C) 2006 Adam Wolk "Mulander" <>
4 # Copyright (C) 2006 Mateusz Karkula "Karql"
5 # A few tweaks by Mikael Berthe
6 #
7 # This script is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
8 # see the file COPYING in the root mcabber source directory.
9 #
11 use warnings;
12 use strict;
14 use Getopt::Long;
15 use Term::ReadKey;
17 my %options;
19 Getopt::Long::Configure qw(bundling);
20 my $result = GetOptions(
21 "help|h" => \$options{help},
22 "version|V" => \$options{version},
23 "ignore|i" => \$options{ignore},
24 "ignore-auto|I" => \$options{ignore_auto},
25 "output|o" => \$options{output},
26 "passwd|p" => \$options{passwd},
27 "color|c" => \$options{color},
28 "ssl|s" => \$options{ssl},
29 "status|S" => \$options{status},
30 "proxy|P" => \$options{proxy},
31 "keep|k" => \$options{keep},
32 "log|l" => \$options{log},
33 "tracelog|t" => \$options{tracelog},
34 );
36 ##
37 # Allowed colors
38 my @bg_color = qw( black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white );
39 my @fg_color = (@bg_color, map("bright$_", @bg_color), map("bold$_", @bg_color));
41 ##
42 # info for specific settings
43 my %info = (
44 # not grouped
45 beep_on_message => { msg => 'Should mcabber beep when you receive a message?', allow => undef, type => 'yesno', anwsers => undef, default => 0},
46 password => { msg => 'Enter your password (at your own risk, this will be saved in plain text)', allow=>'.+', type=>'pass',anwsers => undef, default => undef },
47 pinginterval => { msg => 'Enter pinginterval in seconds for keepalive settings, set this to 0 to disable, ', allow =>'\d+', type=>'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 40 },
48 hide_offline_buddies => {msg => 'Display only connected buddies in the roster?', allow => undef, type => 'yesno', anwsers => undef, default => 0 },
49 iq_version_hide_os => { msg => 'Hide Your OS information?', allow => undef, type => 'yesno', anwsers => undef, default => 0 },
50 # server settings
51 username => { msg => 'Your username', allow => '[^\s\@:<>&\'"]+', type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => undef },
52 server => { msg => 'Your jabber server', allow => '\S+', type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => undef },
53 resource => { msg => 'Resource (If your don\'t know what a resource is, use the default setting)', allow => '.{1,1024}', type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 'mcabber' },
54 nickname => { msg => 'Conference nickname (if you skip this setting your username will be used as a nickname in MUC chatrooms)', allow => '.+', type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => undef },
55 # ssl settings
56 ssl => { msg => 'Enable ssl?', allow => undef, type => 'yesno', anwsers => undef, default => 0 },
57 port => { msg => 'Enter ssl port', allow => '\d+', type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 5222 },
58 # proxy settings
59 proxy_host => { msg => 'Proxy host', allow => '\S+?\.\S+?', type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => undef },
60 proxy_port => { msg => 'Proxy port', allow => '\d+', type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 3128 },
61 proxy_user => { msg => 'Proxy user (optional, you can skip this if not required)', allow => '.+', type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => undef },
62 proxy_pass => { msg => 'Proxy pass (optional, you can skip this if not required)', allow => '.+', type => 'pass', anwsers => undef, default => undef },
63 # trace logs
64 tracelog_level => { msg => 'Specify level of advanced traces', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => ['lvl0: I don\'t want advanced tracing','lvl1: most events of the log window are written to the file','lvl2: debug logging (XML etc.)'], default => 0 },
65 tracelog_file => { msg => 'Specify a file to which the logs will be written', allow => undef, type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => undef },
66 # logging settings
67 log_win_height => { msg => 'Set log window height (minimum 1)', allow => '[1-9]\d*', type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 5 },
68 log_display_sender => { msg => 'Display the message sender\'s jid in the log window?', allow => undef, type => 'yesno', anwsers => undef, default => 0 },
69 logging => { msg => 'Enable logging?', allow => undef, type => 'yesno', anwsers => undef, default => 1 },
70 load_logs => { msg => 'Enable loading logs?', allow => undef, type => 'yesno', anwsers => undef, default => 1 },
71 logging_dir => { msg => 'Enter logging directory', allow => '.+' , type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => undef },
72 log_muc_conf => { msg => 'Log MUC chats?', allow => undef, type => 'yesno', anwsers => undef, default => 1 },
73 load_muc_logs => { msg => 'Load MUC chat logs?', allow => undef, type => 'yesno', default => 0 },
74 # status settings
75 roster_width => { msg => 'Set buddylist window width (minimum 2)', allow => '[2-9]\d*', type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 24 },
76 buddy_format => { msg => 'What buddy name format (in status window) do you prefer?', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => ['<jid/resource>','name <jid/resource> (name is omitted if same as the jid)','name/resource (if the name is same as the jid, use <jid/res>','name (if the name is the same as the jid, use <jid/res>'], default => 0 },
77 show_status_in_buffer => { msg => 'What status changes should be displayed in the buffer?', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => ['none','connect/disconnect','all'], default => 2 },
78 autoaway => { msg => 'After how many seconds of inactivity should You become auto away? (0 for never)', allow => '\d+', type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 0 },
79 message => { msg => 'Skip this setting unless you want to override all other status messages', allow => undef, type => 'edit', default => 'Unique message status'},
80 message_avail => { msg => 'Set avaible status', allow => undef, type =>'edit',anwsers => undef, default =>'I\'m avaible'},
81 message_free => { msg => 'Set free for chat status', allow => undef, type =>'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 'I\'m free for chat'},
82 message_dnd => { msg => 'Set do not disturb status', allow => undef, type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 'Please do not disturb'},
83 message_notavail=> { msg => 'Set not avaible status', allow => undef, type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 'I\'m not avaible'},
84 message_away => { msg => 'Set away status', allow => undef, type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 'I\'m away' },
85 message_autoaway=> { msg => 'Set auto-away status', allow => undef, type => 'edit', anwsers => undef, default => 'Auto-away'},
86 # color settings
87 color_background=> { msg => 'Select background color of the chat window and the log window', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => \@bg_color, default => 'black' },
88 color_general => { msg => 'Select text color in the chat window and the log window', allow => undef, type =>'multi', anwsers => \@fg_color , default => 'white' },
89 color_msgout => { msg => 'Select text color in the chat window for outgoing messages', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => \@fg_color, default => 'cyan'},
90 color_bgstatus => { msg => 'Select background color of the status lines', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => \@bg_color, default =>'blue'},
91 color_status => { msg => 'Select text color of the status lines', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => \@fg_color, default => 'white' },
92 color_roster => { msg => 'Select text color of the roster (buddylist) normal items', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => \@fg_color, default => 'green' },
93 color_bgrostersel=>{ msg => 'Select background color of the selected roster item', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => \@bg_color, default => 'cyan' },
94 color_rostersel => { msg => 'Select text color of the selected roster item', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => \@fg_color, default => 'blue' },
95 color_rosterselmsg=>{ msg => 'Select text color of the selected roster item, if there is a new message', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => \@fg_color, default => 'red' },
96 color_rosternewmsg=>{ msg => 'Select text color of items with unread messages', allow => undef, type => 'multi', anwsers => \@fg_color , default => 'red' },
97 );
99 ##
100 # question groups
101 my %groups = ( required => [qw(username server resource nickname ssl port)],
102 proxy_settings => [qw(proxy_host proxy_port proxy_user proxy_pass)],
103 logging_settings=> [qw(logging log_win_height log_display_sender load_logs logging_dir log_muc_conf load_muc_logs)],
104 status_settings => [qw(buddy_format roster_width show_status_in_buffer autoaway message message_avail message_free message_dnd message_notavail message_away message_autoaway )],
105 color_settings => [qw(color_background color_general color_msgout color_bgstatus color_status color_roster color_bgrostersel color_rostersel color_rosterselmsg color_rosternewmsg)],
106 tracelog_settings => [qw(tracelog_level tracelog_file)],
107 );
109 my (%conf,@old);
110 ##
111 # regexp for valid keys
112 my $key_reg = join '|', keys %info;
114 help() if $options{help};
115 version() if $options{version};
117 prepare();
118 ask('password') if $options{passwd};
120 ask($_) for @{ $groups{required} };
121 if($options{proxy}) { ask($_) for @{ $groups{proxy_settings} } };
122 ask('pinginterval') if $options{keep};
123 ask('beep_on_message');
124 ask('hide_offline_buddies');
125 ask('iq_version_hide_os');
126 ask('autoaway');
127 if($options{log} ) { ask($_) for @{ $groups{logging_settings} } };
128 if($options{status} ) { ask($_) for @{ $groups{status_settings} } };
129 if($options{color} ) { ask($_) for @{ $groups{color_settings} } };
130 if($options{tracelog} ) { ask($_) for @{ $groups{tracelog_settings}} };
131 build_config();
133 ##
134 # Prepare for work
135 sub prepare
136 {
137 mkdir "$ENV{HOME}/.mcabber", 0700 unless ( -d "$ENV{HOME}/.mcabber" );
139 parse_config() if ( -e "$ENV{HOME}/.mcabber/mcabberrc" && !$options{ignore} );
140 }
142 ##
143 # Parse current user configuration and save it
144 sub parse_config
145 {
146 my $conf_file = "$ENV{HOME}/.mcabber/mcabberrc";
147 my $flag = 1;
149 open CONF, "<$conf_file" or return;
151 my ($key,$value);
152 while(<CONF>)
153 {
154 push @old, $_;
155 $flag = 0 if $options{ignore_auto} && m/^#BEGIN AUTO GENERATED SECTION/;
156 $flag = 1 if $options{ignore_auto} && m/^#END AUTO GENERATED SECTION/;
157 if ( $flag && m/^set\s+($key_reg)\s*=\s*(.+)$/ )
158 {
159 ($key,$value) = ($1,$2);
161 $conf{$key} = $value if ( exists $info{$key} );
162 }
163 }
165 close CONF;
166 return 1;
167 }
169 ##
170 # Ask the user for a setting
171 sub ask
172 {
173 my ($key) = @_;
175 my %dispatch = (
176 edit => \&_ask_edit,
177 yesno => \&_ask_yesno,
178 multi => \&_ask_multi,
179 pass => \&_ask_pass
180 );
182 my $lp = 1;
184 print "\n'$key'\n",
185 $info{$key}->{msg},"\n",
186 ( defined $info{$key}->{default} ) ?
187 ( $lp++, '. ', ( exists $conf{$key} ) ? 'Reset' : 'Set', " to Default [",show($key,'default'),"]\n" ) : '',
188 ( exists $conf{$key} ) ? ( $lp++, ". Leave Current setting [",show($key,'current'),"]\n", $lp++ ) : $lp++ , ". ",
189 ( $info{$key}->{type} eq 'pass') ? 'Enter Passowrd' : ( ( $info{$key}->{type} eq 'edit' ) ? 'Edit' : 'Set' ),
190 "\n$lp. Skip\n[choice]: ";
192 chomp(my $action = <STDIN>);
193 unless ( $action =~ /^\d$/ && $action >= 1 && $action <= $lp ) {
194 ask($key);
195 return;
196 }
198 ##
199 # Edit
200 if ( $lp -1 == $action )
201 {
202 &{ $dispatch{ $info{$key}->{type} } }($key);
203 }
205 ##
206 # Default
207 elsif ( $action == 1 )
208 {
209 $conf{$key} = $info{$key}->{default} if defined $info{$key}->{default};
210 }
212 ##
213 # Skip
214 elsif ( $lp == $action )
215 {
216 delete $conf{$key};
217 }
219 ##
220 # Nothing for Leave Current setting
222 return 1;
223 }
225 sub _ask_yesno
226 {
227 my ($key) = @_;
229 print "1. yes\n2. no\n[choice]: ";
231 chomp(my $set = <STDIN>);
232 unless ( $set =~ /^[12]$/ ) {
233 ask($key);
234 return;
235 }
237 $conf{$key} = $set;
238 $conf{$key} = 0 if $set eq 2;
239 }
241 sub _ask_multi
242 {
243 my ($key) = @_;
244 my $count = scalar @{$info{$key}->{anwsers}};
245 my $row = sprintf("%0.f",($count/3+0.5));
247 for (my $i = 0; $i < $row; ++$i)
248 {
249 printf("%-25s", ($i+1) . ". " . $info{$key}->{anwsers}->[$i]);
250 printf("%-25s", ($i+$row+1) . ". " . $info{$key}->{anwsers}->[$i+$row]) if ($i+$row < $count);
251 printf("%-25s", ($i+2*$row+1) . ". " . $info{$key}->{anwsers}->[$i+2*$row]) if ($i+2*$row < $count);
252 print "\n";
253 }
255 print '[choice]: ';
256 chomp(my $set = <STDIN>);
257 unless ( $set =~ /^\d+$/ && $set >= 1 && $set <= $count ) {
258 ask($key);
259 return;
260 }
261 $conf{$key} = $info{$key}->{anwsers}->[$set-1];
262 }
264 sub _ask_edit
265 {
266 my ($key) = @_;
267 print '[edit]: ';
268 chomp(my $set = <STDIN>);
269 unless ( $set =~ /^$info{$key}->{allow}$/ ) {
270 ask($key);
271 return;
272 }
274 $conf{$key} = $set;
275 }
277 sub _ask_pass
278 {
279 my ($key) = @_;
280 print "Characters you type in will not be shown\n[password]: ";
282 ReadMode(2);
283 my $anws = ReadLine(0);
284 ReadMode(0);
286 ask($key) unless $anws =~ /^$info{$key}->{allow}$/;
287 chomp($anws);
289 $anws =~ s/^((?:\s.+)|(?:.+\s))$/"$1"/;
290 $conf{$key} = $anws;
291 }
293 ##
294 # Build configuration file
295 sub build_config
296 {
297 my $config_file = "$ENV{HOME}/.mcabber/mcabberrc";
299 local *STDOUT unless $options{output} ;
301 unless($options{output})
302 {
303 open STDOUT,">$config_file" or die "Can't create config file";
304 chmod 0600, $config_file
305 }
307 my ($flag,$dumped) = (1,0);
308 for (@old)
309 {
310 $flag = 0 if m/^#BEGIN AUTO GENERATED SECTION/;
311 $flag = 1 if m/^#END AUTO GENERATED SECTION/;
312 if ( $flag )
313 {
314 print
315 }
316 elsif( !$flag && !$dumped )
317 {
319 print "set $_ = $conf{$_}\n" for sort keys %conf;
320 print "\n";
321 $dumped = 1;
322 }
323 }
325 unless($dumped)
326 {
328 print "set $_ = $conf{$_}\n" for sort keys %conf;
330 }
332 close STDOUT unless $options{output};
333 }
335 sub show
336 {
337 my ($key,$name) = @_;
338 my $value;
340 $value = $info{$key}->{default} if $name eq 'default';
341 $value = $conf{$key} if $name eq 'current';
343 if ( $info{$key}->{type} eq 'yesno' )
344 {
345 return ( $value ) ? 'yes' : 'no';
346 }
348 elsif ( $info{$key}->{type} eq 'multi' )
349 {
350 return $info{$key}->{anwsers}->[$value];
351 }
353 else
354 {
355 return $value;
356 }
357 }
359 sub help
360 {
361 print<<EOF;
362 Usage: $0 options
364 This script generates configuration files for mcabber jabber client
366 -h, --help display this help screen
367 -v, --version display version information
368 -i, --ignore ignore previous user configuration
369 -I, --ignore-auto ignore auto generated section
370 -o, --output output to stdout instead of file
371 -p, --passwd save password in the config file (not recommended)
372 -s, --ssl ask for ssl settings
373 -c, --color ask for color settings
374 -S, --status ask for status settings
375 -P, --proxy ask for proxy settings
376 -k, --keep ping/keepalive connection settings
377 -l, --log ask for logging settings
378 -t, --tracelog ask for trace log settings
379 EOF
380 exit;
381 }
383 sub version
384 {
385 print<<EOF;
386 mcwizz v0.02 coded by Karql & mulander <netprobe\>
387 EOF
388 exit;
389 }
391 # vim: set noexpandtab sts=8: