diff mcabber/contrib/mcwizz.rb @ 1148:e86483cb8c39

Update mcwizz setup script (Mulander)
author Mikael Berthe <mikael@lilotux.net>
date Sat, 10 Feb 2007 18:43:38 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mcabber/contrib/mcwizz.rb	Sat Feb 10 18:43:38 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+#!/usr/bin/ruby -w
+#  Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Adam Wolk "Mulander" <netprobe@gmail.com>
+#  Copyright (C) 2006 Mateusz Karkula "Karql"
+# This script is provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
+# see the file COPYING in the root mcabber source directory.
+require 'getoptlong'
+# strings of colors ;)
+module Colors
+  @@color = true
+  ESC 	= 27.chr
+  RED 	= ESC + '[31m'
+  GREEN = ESC + '[32m'
+  YELLOW= ESC + '[33m'
+  BLUE  = ESC + '[34m'
+  PURPLE= ESC + '[35m'
+  CYAN  = ESC + '[36m'
+  BGREEN= ESC + '[42m'
+  ENDCOL= ESC + '[0m'
+  def color(color)
+    return '[' + self + ']' unless @@color
+    color + self + ENDCOL
+  end
+  def red;	color(RED);	end
+  def green;	color(GREEN);	end
+  def yellow;	color(YELLOW);	end
+  def blue;	color(BLUE);	end
+  def purple;	color(PURPLE);	end
+  def cyan;	color(CYAN);	end
+  def bgreen;	color(BGREEN);	end
+class String;  include Colors;	end
+class Option
+  attr_accessor :value, :current, :default
+  attr_reader :name,:msg
+  def initialize(args)
+    @name	= args[:name]
+    @msg	= args[:msg]
+    @default	= args[:default]
+    @value	= nil
+    @current	= nil
+    @prompt	= ''
+  end
+  def set?;		!@value.nil?;		end
+  def to_s;		"set #@name=#@value";	end
+  def additional?; 	false;			end
+  def ask()
+    puts @msg
+    print @prompt
+    $stdin.gets.chomp
+  end
+class YesNo < Option
+  def initialize(args)
+    super(args)
+    @ifSet  = args[:ifSet]
+    @prompt = '[Yes/no]: '
+  end
+  def ask()
+    # 1 == yes, 0 == no
+    case super
+      when /^Y/i
+        @value = 1
+	return additional()
+      when /^N/i
+        @value = 0
+	return []
+      else
+        puts 'Please answer yes or no'
+	puts
+        ask()
+      end
+  end
+  def additional?
+    (@value == 1 && !@ifSet.nil?) ? true : false
+  end
+  def additional
+    (@ifSet.nil?) ? [] : @ifSet
+  end
+class Edit < Option
+  def initialize(args)
+    super(args)
+    @regex  = args[:regex]
+    @prompt = '[edit]: '
+  end
+  def ask()
+    answer = super
+    if answer.empty? || ( !@regex.nil? && !(answer =~ @regex) )
+      ask()
+    else
+      @value = answer
+    end
+    return []
+  end
+class Multi < Option
+  attr_reader :choices
+  def initialize(args)
+    super(args)
+    @choices = args[:choices]
+    @max     = @choices.length - 1
+    @prompt  = "[0-#{ @max }] "
+  end
+  def ask()
+    puts  @msg
+    @choices.each_with_index do |choice,idx|
+      print "#{idx}. #{choice}\n"
+    end
+    print @prompt
+    answer = $stdin.gets.chomp
+    ask() if answer.empty? # we ask here because ''.to_i == 0
+    case answer.to_i
+      when 0 ... @max
+        @value = answer
+      else
+        ask()
+    end
+    return []
+  end
+class Wizzard
+  VERSION = 0.04
+  attr_accessor :options, :ignore_previous, :ignore_auto, :target
+  def initialize()
+    if File.exists?(ENV['HOME'] + '/.mcabberrc')
+      @target = ENV['HOME'] + '/.mcabberrc'
+    else
+      Dir.mkdir(ENV['HOME'] + '/.mcabber') unless File.exists?(ENV['HOME'] + '/.mcabber')
+      @target = ENV['HOME'] + '/.mcabber/mcabberrc'
+    end
+    @ignore_previous = false
+    @ignore_auto     = false
+    @options   = Hash.new
+    @order     = Array.new
+    @processed = Array.new
+    @old     = Array.new # for storing the users file untouched
+  end
+  ##
+  # add a group of settings to the order queue
+  def enqueue(group)
+    group = group.to_a if group.class.to_s == 'String'
+    @order += group
+  end
+  ## adds options to the settings object
+  def add(args)
+    @options[args[:name]] = args[:type].new(args)
+  end
+  ## run the wizzard
+  def run()
+    parse()
+    display(@order)
+    save()
+  end
+  ##
+  # displays the setting and allows the user to modify it
+  def display(order)
+    order.each do |name|
+      # this line here is less efficient then on the end of this method
+      # but if placed on the end, recursion then breaks the order of settings
+      @processed.push(name)
+      ##
+      # I know this is not efficient, but I have no better idea to modify the default port
+      @options['port'].default = 5223 if @options['ssl'].value == 1
+      puts
+      puts "'#{name}'"
+      puts @options[name].msg
+      puts 'e'.green + 'dit setting'
+      puts 'l'.green + 'eave current setting ' + show(@options[name],:current).cyan unless @options[name].current.nil?
+      puts 'u'.green + 'se default ' + show(@options[name],:default).cyan unless @options[name].default.nil?
+      puts 's'.green + 'kip'
+      puts 'a'.red + 'bort configuration'
+      print '[action]: '
+      case $stdin.gets.chomp
+        when /^s/
+          next
+        when /^l/
+          @options[name].value = @options[name].current
+	  display(@options[name].additional) if @options[name].additional?
+        when /^u/
+          @options[name].value = @options[name].default
+	  display(@options[name].additional) if @options[name].additional?
+        when /^e/
+          additional = @options[name].ask
+	  display(additional) if additional.empty?
+	when /^a/
+	  puts 'aborted!!'.red
+	  exit
+      end
+     end
+  end
+  ##
+  # this allows us to print 'yes' 'no' or descriptions of multi option settings
+  # insted of just showing an integer
+  def show(option,type)
+    value = ''
+    if type == :default
+      value = option.default
+    else
+      value = option.current
+    end
+    case option.class.to_s
+      when 'YesNo'
+        return (value.to_i==1) ? 'yes' : 'no'
+      when 'Multi'
+        return option.choices[value.to_i]
+      else
+        return value.to_s
+    end
+  end
+  ## save
+  # save all settings to a file
+  def save()
+    flag,dumped = true,false
+    target	= File.new(@target,"w")
+    @old.each do |line|
+      flag = false if line =~ /^#BEGIN AUTO GENERATED SECTION/
+      flag = true  if line =~ /^#END AUTO GENERATED SECTION/
+      if flag
+        target << line
+      elsif( !flag && !dumped )
+        target << "#BEGIN AUTO GENERATED SECTION\n\n"
+        @processed.each do |name|
+          target << @options[name].to_s + "\n" if @options[name].set?
+        end
+	puts
+	dumped = true
+      end
+    end
+    unless dumped
+      target << "#BEGIN AUTO GENERATED SECTION\n\n"
+      @processed.each do |name|
+        target << @options[name].to_s + "\n" if @options[name].set?
+      end
+      target << "#END AUTO GENERATED SECTION\n\n"
+    end
+    target.close
+  end
+  ## parse
+  # attempt to load settings from file
+  def parse()
+    return if @ignore_previous
+    return unless File.exists?(@target)
+    keyreg = @options.keys.join('|')
+    parse  = true
+    File.open(@target) do |config|
+      config.each do |line|
+        @old << line
+	parse = false if @ignore_auto && line =~ /^#BEGIN AUTO GENERATED SECTION/
+	parse = true  if @ignore_auto && line =~ /^#END AUTO GENERATED SECTION/
+	if parse && line =~ /^set\s+(#{keyreg})\s*=\s*(.+)$/
+	  @options[$1].current = $2 if @options.has_key?($1)
+	end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # display onscreen help
+  def Wizzard.help()
+    puts %{
+Usage: #{ $0.to_s.blue } #{ 'options'.green }
+This script generates configuration files for mcabber jabber client
+#{ "Options:".green }
+#{ "-h".green }, #{ "--help".green }		display this help screen
+#{ "-v".green }, #{ "--version".green }		display version information
+#{ "-T".green }, #{ "--target".green }		configuration file
+#{ "-i".green }, #{ "--ignore".green }		ignore previous configuration
+#{ "-I".green }, #{ "--ignore-auto".green }	ignore auto generated section
+#{ "-S".green }, #{ "--status".green }		ask for status settings
+#{ "-P".green }, #{ "--proxy".green }		ask for proxy settings
+#{ "-k".green }, #{ "--keep".green }		ping/keepalive connection settings
+#{ "-t".green }, #{ "--tracelog".green }		ask for tracelog settings
+#{ "-C".green }, #{ "--nocolor".green }		turn of color output
+    }
+    exit
+  end
+  ##
+  # display version information
+  def Wizzard.version()
+    puts "mcwizz v#{VERSION.to_s.purple} coded by #{ 'Karql'.purple } & #{ 'mulander'.purple } <netprobe@gmail.com>"
+    exit
+  end
+required	= %w{ 	username server resource nickname ssl port pgp logging }
+proxy 		= %w{ 	proxy_host proxy_port proxy_user proxy_pass }
+status		= %w{ 	buddy_format roster_width show_status_in_buffer autoaway message message_avail message_free
+			message_dnd message_notavail message_away message_autoaway }
+tracelog	= %w{	tracelog_level tracelog_file }
+opts = GetoptLong.new(
+  ["--help","-h",       GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+  ["--version","-v",    GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+  ["--target", "-T",	GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT],
+  ["--ignore","-i",     GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+  ["--ignore-auto","-I",GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+  ["--proxy","-P",      GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+  ["--keep","-k",       GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+  ["--status","-S",     GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+  ["--tracelog","-t",   GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT],
+  ["--nocolor","-C",   GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]
+opts.ordering = GetoptLong::REQUIRE_ORDER
+config = Wizzard.new()
+config.enqueue( %w{ beep_on_message hide_offline_buddies iq_version_hide_os autoaway } )
+# Description of the add() syntax
+# :name - name of the setting
+# :msg  - message displayed to the user
+# :type - type of settings - avaible types are: YesNo, Edit, Multi
+# :default - default setting
+# YesNo type specific flag:
+# :ifSet  - an array of other options, that will be asked if the flag holding option is set to true
+# Edit type specific flag:
+# :regex- regular expression to which input will be compared
+# Multi type specific flag:
+# :choices - an array of possible settings
+# here we add all the settings that we want to be able to handle
+# ungrouped settings
+config.add(	:name  => 'beep_on_message',
+		:msg   => 'Should mcabber beep when you receive a message?',
+		:type  => YesNo,
+		:default => 0 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'hide_offline_buddies',
+		:msg   => 'Display only connected buddies in the roster?',
+		:type  => YesNo,
+		:default => 0 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'pinginterval',
+		:msg   => 'Enter pinginterval in seconds for keepalive settings' \
+			  ' set this to 0 to disable.',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:regex => /^\d+$/,
+		:default => 40)
+config.add(	:name  => 'iq_version_hide_os',
+		:msg   => 'Hide Your OS information?',
+		:type  => YesNo,
+		:default => 0 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'port',
+		:msg   => 'Enter port number',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:regex => /^\d+$/,
+		:default => 5222 )
+# server settings
+config.add(	:name  => 'username',
+		:msg   => 'Your username',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:regex => /^[^\s\@:<>&\'"]+$/ )
+config.add(	:name  => 'server',
+		:msg   => 'Your jabber server',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:regex => /^\S+$/ )
+config.add(	:name  => 'resource',
+		:msg   => 'Resource (If you don\'t know what a resource is, use the default setting)',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:regex => /^.{1,1024}$/,
+		:default => 'mcabber' )
+config.add(	:name  => 'nickname',
+		:msg   => 'Conference nickname (if you skip this setting your username will be used as' \
+			  ' nickname in MUC chatrooms)',
+		:type  => Edit )
+# ssl settings
+config.add(	:name  => 'ssl',
+		:msg   => 'Enable ssl?',
+		:type  => YesNo,
+		:ifSet => %w{ ssl_verify ssl_cafile ssl_capath ciphers },
+		:default => 0 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'ssl_verify',
+		:msg   => 'Set to 0 to disable certificate verification, or non-zero to set desired maximum CA' \
+			  ' verification depth. Use -1 to specify an unlimited depth.',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:regex => /^(-1)|(\d+)$/,
+		:default => -1 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'ssl_cafile',
+		:msg   => 'Set to a path to a CA certificate file (may contain multiple CA certificates)',
+		:type  => Edit )
+config.add(	:name  => 'ssl_capath',
+		:msg   => 'Set to a directory containing CA certificates (use c_rehash to generate hash links)',
+		:type  => Edit )
+config.add(	:name  => 'ciphers',
+		:msg   => 'Set to a list of desired SSL ciphers (run "openssl ciphers" for a candidate values)',
+		:type  => Edit )
+# pgp support
+config.add(	:name  => 'pgp',
+		:msg   => 'Enable OpenPGP support?',
+		:type  => YesNo,
+		:ifSet => %w{ pgp_private_key },
+		:default => 0 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'pgp_private_key',
+		:msg   => 'Enter your private key id. You can get the Key Id with gpg: ' \
+			  '"gpg --list-keys --keyid-format long"',
+		:type  => Edit )
+# proxy settings
+config.add(	:name  => 'proxy_host',
+		:msg   => 'Proxy host',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:regex => /^\S+?\.\S+?$/ )
+config.add(	:name  => 'proxy_port',
+		:msg   => 'Proxy port',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:regex => /^\d+$/,
+		:default => 3128 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'proxy_user',
+		:msg   => 'Proxy user',
+		:type  => Edit )
+config.add(     :name  => 'proxy_pass',
+		:msg   => 'Proxy pass (will be stored unencrypted an the pass will be echoed during input)',
+		:type  => Edit )
+# trace logs
+config.add(	:name  => 'tracelog_level',
+		:msg   => 'Specify level of advanced traces',
+		:type  => Multi,
+		:choices => [ 	'lvl0: I don\'t want advanced tracing',
+				'lvl1: most events of the log window are written to the file',
+				'lvl2: debug logging (XML etc.)' ],
+		:default => 0 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'tracelog_file',
+		:msg   => 'Specify a file to which the logs will be written',
+		:type  => Edit )
+# logging settings
+config.add(	:name  => 'logging',
+		:msg   => 'Enable logging?',
+		:type  => YesNo,
+		:ifSet => %w{ log_win_height log_display_sender load_logs logging_dir log_muc_conf},
+		:default => 1 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'log_win_height',
+		:msg   => 'Set log window height (minimum 1)',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:regex => /^[1-9]\d*/,
+		:default => 5 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'log_display_sender',
+		:msg   => 'Display the message sender\'s jid in the log window?',
+		:type  => YesNo,
+		:default => 0 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'load_logs',
+		:msg   => 'Enable loading logs?',
+		:type  => YesNo,
+		:default => 1 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'logging_dir',
+		:msg   => 'Enter logging directory',
+		:type  => Edit )
+config.add(	:name  => 'log_muc_conf',
+		:msg   => 'Log MUC chats?',
+		:ifSet => %w{ load_muc_logs },
+		:type  => YesNo,
+		:default => 1 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'load_muc_logs',
+		:msg   => 'Load MUC chat logs?',
+		:type  => YesNo,
+		:default => 0 )
+# status settings
+config.add(	:name  => 'roster_width',
+		:msg   => 'Set buddylist window width (minimum 2)',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:regex => /^[2-9]\d*$/,
+		:default => 24 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'buddy_format',
+		:msg   => 'What buddy format (in status window) do you prefer?',
+		:type  => Multi,
+		:choices => [ 	'<jid/resource>',
+				'name <jid/resource> (name is omitted if same as the jid)',
+				'name/resource (if the name is same as the jid, use <jid/res>',
+				'name (if the name is the same as the jid, use <jid/res>' ] )
+config.add(	:name  => 'show_status_in_buffer',
+		:msg   => 'What status changes should be displayed in the buffer?',
+		:type  => Multi,
+		:choices => [	'none',
+				'connect/disconnect',
+				'all' ],
+		:default => 2 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'autoaway',
+		:msg   => 'After how many seconds of inactivity should You become away? (0 for never)',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:regex => /^\d+$/,
+		:default => 0 )
+config.add(	:name  => 'message',
+		:msg   => 'Skip this setting unless you want to override all other status messages',
+		:type  => Edit )
+config.add(	:name  => 'message_avail',
+		:message   => 'Set avaible status',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:default => 'I\'m avaible' )
+config.add(	:name  => 'message_free',
+		:message   => 'Set free for chat status',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:default => 'I\'m free for chat' )
+config.add(	:name  => 'message_dnd',
+		:message   => 'Set do not disturb status',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:default => 'Please do not disturb' )
+config.add(	:name  => 'message_notavail',
+		:message   => 'Set not avaible status',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:default => 'I\'m not avaible' )
+config.add(	:name  => 'message_away',
+		:message   => 'Set away status',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:default => 'I\'m away' )
+config.add(	:name  => 'message_autoaway',
+		:msg   => 'Set auto-away status',
+		:type  => Edit,
+		:default => 'Auto-away' )
+  opts.each do |opt,arg|
+    case opt
+      when '--help'
+        Wizzard.help()
+      when '--version'
+        Wizzard.version()
+      when '--target'
+        config.target          = arg
+      when '--ignore'
+        config.ignore_previous = true
+      when '--ignore-auto'
+        config.ignore_auto     = true
+      when '--proxy'
+        config.enqueue(proxy)
+      when '--keep'
+        config.enqueue('pinginterval')
+      when '--tracelog'
+        config.enqueue(tracelog)
+      when '--status'
+        config.enqueue(status)
+      when '--nocolor'
+        class String; @@color = false; end
+    end
+  end
+rescue GetoptLong::InvalidOption
+  Wizzard.help()