view mcabber/src/roster.h @ 147:7571de4aed73

[/trunk] Changeset 159 by mikael * Fix a bug in buddylist_build() * We now lock the current buddy even not when being in chat mode. For example, if we're writing to s.o. and he leaves just before we press enter, we won't write to the wrong buddy... If the current_buddy is a group, we lock it too. * Remove MCABBER_TESTUNIT ifdef in roster.h (test program isn't up-to-date anymore...)
author mikael
date Fri, 29 Apr 2005 19:56:28 +0000
parents 6533a231a65e
children c3624b2a7059
line wrap: on
line source

#ifndef __ROSTER_H__
#define __ROSTER_H__ 1

#include <glib.h>

# include "jabglue.h"

enum findwhat {

// Roster_type is a set of flags, so values should be 2^n
#define ROSTER_TYPE_USER    1

// Flags:
#define ROSTER_FLAG_MSG     1   // Message not read
#define ROSTER_FLAG_HIDE    2   // Group hidden (or buddy window closed)
#define ROSTER_FLAG_LOCK    4   // Node should not be removed from buddylist
// ROSTER_FLAG_LOCAL   8   // Buddy not on server's roster  (??)

extern GList *buddylist;
extern GList *current_buddy;

// Macros...

#define BUDDATA(glist_node) ((glist_node)->data)
#define CURRENT_JID         buddy_getjid(BUDDATA(current_buddy))

// Prototypes...
GSList *roster_add_group(const char *name);
GSList *roster_add_user(const char *jid, const char *name, const char *group,
        guint type);
void    roster_del_user(const char *jid);
void    roster_setstatus(const char *jid, enum imstatus bstat);
void    roster_setflags(const char *jid, guint flags, guint value);
void    roster_settype(const char *jid, guint type);
enum imstatus roster_getstatus(const char *jid);
guint   roster_gettype(const char *jid);
inline guint roster_exists(const char *jidname, enum findwhat type,
        guint roster_type);

void buddylist_set_hide_offline_buddies(int hide);
inline int buddylist_get_hide_offline_buddies(void);
void buddy_hide_group(gpointer rosterdata, int hide);
void buddylist_build(void);
const char *buddy_getjid(gpointer rosterdata);
const char *buddy_getname(gpointer rosterdata);
guint buddy_gettype(gpointer rosterdata);
enum imstatus buddy_getstatus(gpointer rosterdata);
void buddy_setflags(gpointer rosterdata, guint flags, guint value);
guint buddy_getflags(gpointer rosterdata);

#endif /* __ROSTER_H__ */