view mcabber/mcabber/utils.h @ 2223:965e0282c128

Backed out changeset fa516ef22145 Turns out that in this hash the value pointer is the same as the key pointer, so there's no need to free both the key and the value.
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Fri, 06 Nov 2015 22:31:40 +0100
parents 170597f5365b
children 377b6a52b25f
line wrap: on
line source

#ifndef __MCABBER_UTILS_H__
#define __MCABBER_UTILS_H__ 1

#include <mcabber/config.h>

extern const char *LocaleCharSet;

#define to_utf8(s)   ((s) ? g_locale_to_utf8((s),   -1, NULL,NULL,NULL) : NULL)
#define from_utf8(s) ((s) ? g_convert_with_fallback((s), -1, LocaleCharSet, \
                                        "UTF-8", NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) : NULL)

#define JID_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR        '@'

char *jidtodisp(const char *fjid);
char *jid_get_username(const char *fjid);
char *get_servername(const char *username, const char *servername);
char *compose_jid(const char *username, const char *servername,
                  const char *resource);
gboolean jid_equal(const char *jid1, const char *jid2);

void fingerprint_to_hex(const char *fpr,     char *hex, size_t fpr_len);
gboolean hex_to_fingerprint(const char *hex, char *fpr, size_t fpr_len);

void ut_init_debug(void);
void ut_write_log(unsigned int flag, const char *data);

char *expand_filename(const char *fname);

int checkset_perm(const char *name, unsigned int setmode);

const char *ut_get_tmpdir(void);

int    to_iso8601(char *dststr, time_t timestamp);
time_t from_iso8601(const char *timestamp, int utc);

int check_jid_syntax(const char *fjid);

void mc_strtolower(char *str);

void strip_arg_special_chars(char *s);
char **split_arg(const char *arg, unsigned int n, int dontstriplast);
void free_arg_lst(char **arglst);

void replace_nl_with_dots(char *bufstr);
char *ut_expand_tabs(const char *text);
char *ut_unescape_tabs_cr(const char *text);

#if !defined (HAVE_STRCASESTR)
char *strcasestr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);

int startswith(const char *str, const char *word, guint ignore_case);

#endif // __MCABBER_UTILS_H__

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