view mcabber/src/hooks.c @ 824:37ef269330f0

Show incomplete subscriptions in the roster When the "from" subscription is missing, curly braces are used. When the "to" subscription is missing, the status is replaced by '?'. Thanks to pmw for the suggestion.
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Tue, 25 Apr 2006 07:13:43 +0200
parents 4a6ce276ffca
children 80434fde7cfa
line wrap: on
line source

 * hooks.c      -- Hooks layer
 * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Mikael Berthe <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
 * your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
 * USA

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "hooks.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "roster.h"
#include "histolog.h"
#include "hbuf.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "utils.h"

static char *extcmd;

inline void hk_message_in(const char *jid, const char *resname,
                          time_t timestamp, const char *msg, const char *type)
  int new_guy = FALSE;
  int is_groupchat = FALSE; // groupchat message
  int is_room = FALSE;      // window is a room window
  int log_muc_conf = FALSE;
  int message_flags = 0;
  guint rtype = ROSTER_TYPE_USER;
  char *wmsg = NULL, *bmsg = NULL, *mmsg = NULL;
  GSList *roster_usr;

  if (type && !strcmp(type, "groupchat")) {
    rtype = ROSTER_TYPE_ROOM;
    is_groupchat = TRUE;
    log_muc_conf = settings_opt_get_int("log_muc_conf");
    if (!resname) {
      message_flags = HBB_PREFIX_INFO | HBB_PREFIX_NOFLAG;
      resname = "";
      bmsg = g_strdup_printf("~ %s", msg);
    } else {
      bmsg = g_strdup_printf("<%s> %s", resname, msg);
    wmsg = bmsg;
    if (!strncmp(msg, "/me ", 4))
      wmsg = mmsg = g_strdup_printf("*%s %s", resname, msg+4);
  } else {
    if (!strncmp(msg, "/me ", 4))
      wmsg = mmsg = g_strdup_printf("*%s %s", jid, msg+4);
      wmsg = (char*) msg;

  // If this user isn't in the roster, we add it
  roster_usr = roster_find(jid, jidsearch, 0);
  if (!roster_usr) {
    new_guy = TRUE;
    roster_usr = roster_add_user(jid, NULL, NULL, rtype, sub_none);
    if (!roster_usr) { // Shouldn't happen...
      scr_LogPrint(LPRINT_LOGNORM, "ERROR: unable to add buddy!");
  } else if (is_groupchat) {
    // Make sure the type is ROOM
    buddy_settype(roster_usr->data, ROSTER_TYPE_ROOM);

  is_room = !!(buddy_gettype(roster_usr->data) & ROSTER_TYPE_ROOM);

  if (is_room) {
    if (!is_groupchat) {
      // This is a private message from a room participant
      if (!resname) {
        resname = "";
        wmsg = bmsg = g_strdup(msg);
      } else {
        wmsg = bmsg = g_strdup_printf("PRIV#<%s> %s", resname, msg);
        if (!strncmp(msg, "/me ", 4))
          wmsg = mmsg = g_strdup_printf("PRIV#*%s %s", resname, msg+4);
    } else {
      // This is a regular chatroom message.
      // Let's see if we are the message sender, in which case we'll
      // highlight it.
      const char *nick = buddy_getnickname(roster_usr->data);
      if (resname && nick && !strcmp(resname, nick))
        message_flags |= HBB_PREFIX_HLIGHT;

  if (type && !strcmp(type, "error")) {
    message_flags = HBB_PREFIX_ERR | HBB_PREFIX_IN;
    scr_LogPrint(LPRINT_LOGNORM, "Error message received from <%s>", jid);

  // Note: the hlog_write should not be called first, because in some
  // cases scr_WriteIncomingMessage() will load the history and we'd
  // have the message twice...
  scr_WriteIncomingMessage(jid, wmsg, timestamp, message_flags);

  // We don't log the modified message, but the original one
  if (wmsg == mmsg)
    wmsg = bmsg;

  // - We don't log the message if it is an error message
  // - We don't log the message if it is a private conf. message
  // - We don't log the message if it is groupchat message and the log_muc_conf
  //   option is off (and it is not a history line)
  if (!(message_flags & HBB_PREFIX_ERR) &&
      (!is_room || (is_groupchat && log_muc_conf && !timestamp)))
    hlog_write_message(jid, timestamp, FALSE, wmsg);

  // External command
  // - We do not call hk_ext_cmd() for history lines in MUC
  // - We do call hk_ext_cmd() for private messages in a room
  if ((is_groupchat && !timestamp) || !is_groupchat)
    hk_ext_cmd(jid, (is_groupchat ? 'G' : 'M'), 'R', wmsg);

  // Display the sender in the log window
  if ((!is_groupchat) && !(message_flags & HBB_PREFIX_ERR) &&
      settings_opt_get_int("log_display_sender")) {
    const char *name = roster_getname(jid);
    if (!name) name = "";
    scr_LogPrint(LPRINT_NORMAL, "Message received from %s <%s/%s>",
                 name, jid, resname);

  // Beep, if enabled
  if (settings_opt_get_int("beep_on_message"))

  // We need to rebuild the list if the sender is unknown or
  // if the sender is offline/invisible and hide_offline_buddies is set
  if (new_guy ||
      (buddy_getstatus(roster_usr->data, NULL) == offline &&
    update_roster = TRUE;


//  hk_message_out()
// nick should be set for private messages in a chat room, and null for
// normal messages.
inline void hk_message_out(const char *jid, const char *nick,
                           time_t timestamp, const char *msg)
  char *wmsg = NULL, *bmsg = NULL, *mmsg = NULL;

  if (nick) {
    wmsg = bmsg = g_strdup_printf("PRIV#<%s> %s", nick, msg);
  } else {
    wmsg = (char*)msg;
    if (!strncmp(msg, "/me ", 4)) {
      const char *myid = settings_opt_get("username");
      if (myid)
        wmsg = mmsg = g_strdup_printf("*%s %s", settings_opt_get("username"),

  // Note: the hlog_write should not be called first, because in some
  // cases scr_WriteOutgoingMessage() will load the history and we'd
  // have the message twice...
  scr_WriteOutgoingMessage(jid, wmsg);

  // We don't log private messages
  if (!nick) hlog_write_message(jid, timestamp, TRUE, msg);

  // External command
  hk_ext_cmd(jid, 'M', 'S', NULL);


inline void hk_statuschange(const char *jid, const char *resname, gchar prio,
                            time_t timestamp, enum imstatus status,
                            const char *status_msg)
  int buddy_format;
  int st_in_buf;
  enum imstatus oldstat;
  char *bn = NULL;
  char *logsmsg;
  const char *rn = (resname ? resname : "");

  st_in_buf = settings_opt_get_int("show_status_in_buffer");
  buddy_format = settings_opt_get_int("buddy_format");
  if (buddy_format) {
    const char *name = roster_getname(jid);
    if (name && strcmp(name, jid)) {
      if (buddy_format == 1)
        bn = g_strdup_printf("%s <%s/%s>", name, jid, rn);
      else if (buddy_format == 2)
        bn = g_strdup_printf("%s/%s", name, rn);
      else if (buddy_format == 3)
        bn = g_strdup_printf("%s", name);

  if (!bn) {
    bn = g_strdup_printf("<%s/%s>", jid, rn);

  logsmsg = g_strdup(status_msg ? status_msg : "");

  oldstat = roster_getstatus(jid, resname);
  scr_LogPrint(LPRINT_LOGNORM, "Buddy status has changed: [%c>%c] %s %s",
               imstatus2char[oldstat], imstatus2char[status], bn, logsmsg);

  if (st_in_buf == 2 ||
      (st_in_buf == 1 && (status == offline || oldstat == offline))) {
    // Write the status change in the buddy's buffer, only if it already exists
    if (scr_BuddyBufferExists(jid)) {
      bn = g_strdup_printf("Buddy status has changed: [%c>%c] %s",
                           imstatus2char[oldstat], imstatus2char[status],
                           ((status_msg) ? status_msg : ""));
      scr_WriteIncomingMessage(jid, bn, 0, HBB_PREFIX_INFO|HBB_PREFIX_NOFLAG);

  roster_setstatus(jid, rn, prio, status, status_msg, timestamp,
                   role_none, affil_none, NULL);
  hlog_write_status(jid, 0, status, status_msg);
  // External command
  hk_ext_cmd(jid, 'S', imstatus2char[status], NULL);

inline void hk_mystatuschange(time_t timestamp, enum imstatus old_status,
                              enum imstatus new_status, const char *msg)
  scr_LogPrint(LPRINT_LOGNORM, "Your status has been set: [%c>%c] %s",
               imstatus2char[old_status], imstatus2char[new_status],
               (msg ? msg : ""));
  //hlog_write_status(NULL, 0, status);

/* External commands */

//  hk_ext_cmd_init()
// Initialize external command variable.
// Can be called with parameter NULL to reset and free memory.
void hk_ext_cmd_init(const char *command)
  if (extcmd) {
    extcmd = NULL;
  if (command)
    extcmd = g_strdup(command);

//  hk_ext_cmd()
// Launch an external command (process) for the given event.
// For now, data should be NULL.
void hk_ext_cmd(const char *jid, guchar type, guchar info, const char *data)
  pid_t pid;
  char *arg_type = NULL;
  char *arg_info = NULL;
  char *arg_data = NULL;
  char status_str[2];
  char *datafname = NULL;

  if (!extcmd) return;

  // Prepare arg_* (external command parameters)
  switch (type) {
    case 'M':
        arg_type = "MSG";
        if (info == 'R')
          arg_info = "IN";
        else if (info == 'S')
          arg_info = "OUT";
    case 'G':
        arg_type = "MSG";
        arg_info = "MUC";
    case 'S':
        arg_type = "STATUS";
        if (strchr(imstatus2char, tolower(info))) {
          status_str[0] = toupper(info);
          status_str[1] = 0;
          arg_info = status_str;

  if (!arg_type || !arg_info) return;

  if (strchr("MG", type) && data && settings_opt_get_int("event_log_files")) {
    int fd;
    const char *prefix;
    char *data_locale;

    data_locale = from_utf8(data);
    prefix = settings_opt_get("event_log_dir");
    if (!prefix)
      prefix = ut_get_tmpdir();
    datafname = g_strdup_printf("%s/mcabber-%d.XXXXXX", prefix, getpid());

    // XXX Some old systems may require us to set umask first.
    fd = mkstemp(datafname);
    if (fd == -1) {
      datafname = NULL;
                   "Unable to create temp file for external command.");
    write(fd, data_locale, strlen(data_locale));
    write(fd, "\n", 1);
    arg_data = datafname;

  if ((pid=fork()) == -1) {
    scr_LogPrint(LPRINT_LOGNORM, "Fork error, cannot launch external command.");

  if (pid == 0) { // child
    // Close standard file descriptors
    if (execl(extcmd, extcmd, arg_type, arg_info, jid, arg_data, NULL) == -1) {
      // scr_LogPrint(LPRINT_LOGNORM, "Cannot execute external command.");

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