view mcabber/mcabberrc.example @ 1197:6f602d3270a4

Add /pgp [-]force With this command it becomes possible to enforce PGP encryption without checking if the remote client has PGP support. It can be used to send encrypted offline messages too.
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Fri, 27 Apr 2007 00:37:57 +0200
parents ef40688d87bd
children e802ec0c02d2
line wrap: on
line source

# Sample ~/.mcabber/mcabberrc file

# Note about this file syntax:
# - Leading and trailing spaces are ignored.
# - Empty lines and lines beginning with a '#' are ignored.

# The jid will be the following: username@server
# If your jid's domain name is different from the server name,
# you can specify your complete jid as username.
# If password is not given, it will be interactively asked for.
# If port is not given, default Jabber port will be used.

set username = yourusername
# Note: if the password contains leading or trailing spaces, you must
# enclose it with quotes: set password = " example password "
#set password = yourpassword
set server = your.jabber.server
#set port = 5222
# If you don't know what a resource is, you can leave "mcabber" here.
set resource = mcabber
#set priority = 3

# SSL options:
# Set ssl non-zero to use SSL (this also sets the default port to 5223).
# Set ssl_verify to 0 to disable certificate verification, or non-zero
# to set desired maximum CA verification depth. Use -1 to specify an
# unlimited depth.
# Set ssl_cafile to a path to a CA certificate file (may contain multiple
# CA certificates).
# Set ssl_capath to a directory containing CA certificates (use c_rehash
# to generate hash links).
# Set ssl_ciphers to a list of desired SSL ciphers (run "openssl ciphers"
# for candidate values).
set ssl = 0
#set ssl_verify = -1
#set ssl_cafile = /usr/share/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
#set ssl_capath =
#set ssl_ciphers =

# PGP support
# Set pgp to 1 to enable OpenPGP.
# To sign outgoing messages, select your private key id with
# the pgp_private_key option.  You cannot change these options once
# mcabber is running.
# Note: you can get the Key Id with gpg: "gpg --list-keys --keyid-format long"
#set pgp = 0
#set pgp_private_key = "C9940A9BB0B92210"
# You can set your PGP passhrase here, although it's NOT advised.
#set pgp_passphrase = "PGPpassword"

# Conference nickname
# This nickname is used when joining a room, when no nick is explicitly
# specified by the user.  Note that when the nickname option is not set,
# the username variable can be used.
#set nickname = Abitbol

# Proxy
# mcabber can use a proxy if it supports the CONNECT method
# The proxy_user/proxy_pass variables are optional.
#set proxy_host = "proxy-hostname"
#set proxy_port = 3128
#set proxy_user = "username"
#set proxy_pass = "password"

# Keepalive
# If you need a ping/keepalive to leave your connection open, you
# can use the pinginterval.  Setting this option to 0 disables the ping.
# Default value is 40 seconds.
#set pinginterval = 40

# Language
# Help files have been translated into a few languages.
# You can set lang to one of the following values: en (default),
# de, fr, nl, pl, ru, uk.
#set lang = en

# History
# Number of lines to remember for the command line history
# (default: 0, unlimited).
set cmdhistory_lines = 250

# Set hide_offline_buddies to 1 to display only connected buddies
# in the roster.
#set hide_offline_buddies = 0

# Typing notifications, Chat States, Events (JEP-22/85)
# Set disable_chatstates to 1 if you don't want to use typing notifications.
# Note: changing this option once mcabber is running has no effect.
#set disable_chatstates = 0

# History logging
# You can save the messages history: set logging = 1
# Set 'logging_ignore_status' to 1 if you do not want to save status changes
# (and status messages) to the log files (default: 0).
# You can load (read) the messages history: set load_logs = 1
# If you enable load_logs, you can use the 'max_history_age' setting below.
# Default logging directory (logging_dir) is $HOME/.mcabber/histo/
# Defaults for logging, load_logs are 0 (disabled)
# Note: the logging directory must exist if you enable logging, mcabber
#       will not create it.
# Note: these options, except 'max_history_age' and 'max_history_blocks',
# are used at startup time.
#set logging = 1
#set load_logs = 1
#set logging_dir = ~/.mcabber/histo/
#set logging_ignore_status = 1

# Set log_muc_conf to 1 to enable MUC chatrooms logging (default = 0)
#set log_muc_conf = 1
# Set load_muc_logs to 1 to read MUC chatrooms logs (default = 0).  These
# logs will be displayed in the buffer window _before_ any history received
# from the server.
#set load_muc_logs = 0

# When load_logs (or load_muc_logs) is enabled, you can specify a maximum
# number of history days to load into memory with max_history_age.
# Default = 0 (disabled -- everything is loaded)
# Note: this option is only used when reading history files, not later.
#set max_history_age = 0
# You can specify a maximum number of data blocks per buffer (1 block contains
# about 8kB).  The default is 0 (unlimited).  If set, this value must be > 2.
#set max_history_blocks = 8

# IQ settings
# Set iq_version_hide_os to 1 if you do not want to allow people to retrieve
# your OS version.
#set iq_version_hide_os = 0

# Beep
# Set beep_on_message to 1 if you want mcabber to beep when receiving
# a new message (except in chatrooms).  If you want a more sophisticated
# system (e.g. play a sound), have a look at 'events_command' below.
#set beep_on_message = 0

# External command for events
# You can specify a script or process to be launched when an event occurs.
# Set 'events_ignore_active_window' to 1 if you don't want the script to
# be run for a message to the current active window (default: 0).
# If 'event_log_files' is set, a file is created and contains the body of
# the message (incoming messages only); the file name is the last parameter.
# If you enable this, you can specify the directory mcabber will use to
# create these messages with the 'event_log_dir' variable (default is the
# system temp dir, or MCABBERTMPDIR environment variable).  Please note
# that mcabber won't delete these files, it's your script's job.
# The command is called the following way:
#   $events_command MSG IN jabber@id [file] (when receiving a message)
#   $events_command MSG OUT jabber@id       (when sending a message)
#   $events_command MSG MUC room_id [file]  (when receiving a MUC message)
#   $events_command STATUS X jabber@id      (new buddy status is X)
# See sample script in contrib/ directory.
#set events_command = ~/.mcabber/eventcmd
#set events_ignore_active_window = 0
#set event_log_files = 0
#set event_log_dir = ~/.mcabber/event_files

# External command status check
# You can request mcabber to inspect exit status value after each
# events_command.  If this option is set, mcabber will beep if the
# exit value is 2.
#set eventcmd_checkstatus = 0

# Traces logging
# If you want advanced traces, please specify a file and a level here.
# There are currently 2 traceloglog levels:
#  lvl 1: most events of the log window are written to the file
#  lvl 2: debug logging (XML, etc.)
# Default is level 0, no trace logging
#set tracelog_level = 1
#set tracelog_file = ~/.mcabber/mcabber.log

# Set the auto-away timeout, in seconds.  If set to a value >0,
# mcabber will change your status to away if no real activity is detected
# (command, message, move in the buddylist...).  Note: auto-away only changes
# the status when it is "available" (online) or "free_for_chat".
# See 'message_autoaway' below.
#set autoaway = 0

# Message blocking
# Set 'block_unsubscribed' to 1 if you want to block (drop) incoming
# messages from people you haven't authorized. (default: 0)
#set block_unsubscribed = 0
# Set 'delete_on_reject' to 1 if you want to delete buddies from your
# roster when you reject their subscription request. (default: 0)
# (See documentation for /event)
# The buddy is actually deleted only if there is no other subscription,
# so for example if you are subscribed to this buddy's presence updates it
# won't be deleted.
#set delete_on_reject = 0

# Set 'muc_flag_joins' to 1 if you want the MUC rooms to be flagged in
# the roster when somebody joins a room.  Set it to 2 if you want a flag
# for leaves too.
#set muc_flag_joins = 0
# Set 'muc_auto_whois' to 1 if you want to call /room whois each time
# somebody joins a room. (default: 0)
#set muc_auto_whois = 0

# Status messages
# The "message" value will override all others, take care!
#set message = Unique message status
#set message_avail     = I'm available
#set message_free      = I'm free for chat
#set message_dnd       = Please do not disturb
#set message_notavail  = I'm not available
#set message_away      = I'm away
# The auto-away message is only used when 'autoaway' is set.  The previous
# message will be restored when leaving auto-away status.  If this message
# isn't defined, the status message will stay unchanged.
set message_autoaway = Auto-away (idle)

# Colors
# Colors are: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white
# For text colors (i.e. not background and bg* colors) you can also use
# the "bright" prefix to get a bright/bold color.  Example: brightblue
# You can use the "default" color, too (i.e. for transparent background)
# You can have a look at the contrib/themes/ directory to see some sample
# color settings.
# background: background color of the chat window and the log window
# general:    text color in the chat window and the log window
# msgout:     text color in the chat window for outgoing messages
# bgstatus:   background color of the status lines
# status:     text color of the status lines
# roster:     text color of the roster (buddylist) normal items
# bgrostersel: background color of the selected roster item
# rostersel:   text color of the selected roster item
# rosterselmsg:text color of the selected roster item, if there is a new msg
# rosternewmsg: text color of items with unread messages
#set color_background   = black
#set color_general      = white
#set color_msgout       = cyan
#set color_bgstatus     = blue
#set color_status       = white
#set color_roster       = green
#set color_bgrostersel  = cyan
#set color_rostersel    = blue
#set color_rosterselmsg = red
#set color_rosternewmsg = red

# Style
# Note: the "log_win_height" and "roster_width" values below can be set
# in real time when mcabber is running.  Refresh the screen (Ctrl-l) to
# use the new values.
# Log window height (minimum 1, default 5)
#set log_win_height = 5
# Buddylist window width (minimum 2, default 24)
#set roster_width=24
# The options "log_win_on_top" and "roster_win_on_right" can change the
# position of the log window (top/bottom) and the position of the roster
# (left/right).
#set log_win_on_top = 0
#set roster_win_on_right = 0
# Buddy name format (in status window):
# - 0: (default) "<jid/resource>"
# - 1: "name <jid/resource>" (name is omitted if same as the jid)
# - 2: "name/resource" (if the name is the same as the jid, use <jid/res>)
# - 3: "name" (if the name is the same as the jid, use <jid/res>)
#set buddy_format = 2
# When a contacts sends "/me ", mcabber displays "*user ", where user
# is the local part of the contact's jid.
# If you want mcabber to display the complete bare jid (,
# set "buddy_me_fulljid" to 1 (default: 0)
#set buddy_me_fulljid = 1
# Display the status changes in the chat buffers (default: 0, never)
# Values:  0: never  1: only connect/disconnect  2: all
#set show_status_in_buffer = 1
# Set "log_display_sender" to 1 to display the message sender's jid in the
# log window (default: 0, no)
#set log_display_sender = 0

# Contacts PGP information
# You can provide a PGP key to be used for a given Jabber user, or
# disable PGP on a per-account basis.
# If you provide a KeyId for a contact, it will be compared to the key the
# contact uses to sign their presence/messages and it will be used for
# all outgoing encrypted messages (that is, the contact signature key will
# be ignored).
# Please note that the key must match exactly the id seen with /info.
#pgp disable
#pgp setkey C9940A9BB0B92210

# Aliases
alias me = say /me
alias online   = status online
alias away     = status away
alias dnd      = status dnd
alias notavail = status notavail
#alias names = room names

# Key bindings
# Ctlr-q (17) bound to /roster unread_next
bind 17 = roster unread_next
# Ctlr-x (24) bound to /roster alternate
bind 24 = roster alternate
# F5 (269) bound to /roster toggle_offline  (centericq-like, IIRC)
bind 269 = roster toggle_offline
# F12 (276) bound to /roster toggle
bind 276 = roster toggle
# Ctrl-Up/Ctrl-Down bound to /buffer up/down  (like Ctrl-p/Ctrl-n)
bind 521 = buffer up
bind 514 = buffer down

# Sample alias to join mcabber channel with "/jmc"
#alias jmc = room join