view mcabber/mcabber/settings.h @ 1984:b0470ef8669b

XEP 184: don't send receipts to buddies that have no presence subscription In order to not leak our presence, do not send message delivery receipts to senders who are not authorized to view our presence. (XEP-0184, section 8)
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Sun, 27 Mar 2011 12:45:41 +0200
parents e6d355e50d7a
children ccd4ffa41a1b
line wrap: on
line source

#define __MCABBER_SETTINGS_H__ 1

#include <ctype.h>
#include <glib.h>

#include <mcabber/roster.h>
#include <mcabber/config.h>

#ifndef isblank
# define isblank(c)  ((c) == 0x20 || (c) == 0x09)

#define SETTINGS_TYPE_OTR       4

#define COMMAND_CHAR    '/'

#define settings_opt_get(k)     settings_get(SETTINGS_TYPE_OPTION, k)
#define settings_opt_get_int(k) settings_get_int(SETTINGS_TYPE_OPTION, k)

#define mkcmdstr(cmd) COMMAND_CHARSTR cmd

typedef gchar *(*settings_guard_t)(const gchar *key, const gchar *new_value);

void    settings_init(void);
int     cfg_read_file(char *filename, guint mainfile);
guint   parse_assigment(gchar *assignment, gchar **pkey, gchar **pval);
gboolean settings_set_guard(const gchar *key, settings_guard_t guard);
void    settings_del_guard(const gchar *key);
void    settings_opt_set_raw(const gchar *key, const gchar *value);
void    settings_set(guint type, const gchar *key, const gchar *value);
void    settings_del(guint type, const gchar *key);
const gchar *settings_get(guint type, const gchar *key);
int     settings_get_int(guint type, const gchar *key);
const gchar *settings_get_status_msg(enum imstatus status);
void    settings_foreach(guint type,
                         void (*pfunc)(char *k, char *v, void *param),
                         void *param);

void    settings_pgp_setdisabled(const char *bjid, guint value);
guint   settings_pgp_getdisabled(const char *bjid);
void    settings_pgp_setforce(const char *bjid, guint value);
guint   settings_pgp_getforce(const char *bjid);
void    settings_pgp_setkeyid(const char *bjid, const char *keyid);
const char *settings_pgp_getkeyid(const char *bjid);

guint   settings_otr_getpolicy(const char *bjid);
void    settings_otr_setpolicy(const char *bjid, guint value);

guint get_max_history_blocks(void);

char *default_muc_nickname(const char *roomid);

const gchar *isbound(int key);

#endif /* __MCABBER_SETTINGS_H__ */

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