view mcabber/mcabberrc.example @ 430:d03663d2e7d9

Display error messages as specified in RFC3920 (9.3) If possible, we display the child element corresponding to the stanza error conditions defined in RFC3920. Error code and error text will be displayed if available.
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Sun, 11 Sep 2005 22:01:57 +0200
parents 0bb3d37579aa
children 39e173645f9c
line wrap: on
line source

# Sample ~/.mcabber/mcabberrc file

# The jid will be the following: username@server
# If your jid's domain name is different from the server name,
# you can specify your complete jid as username.
# If password is not given, it will be interactively asked for.
# If port is not given, default Jabber port will be used.
# Use ssl = 1 to enable SSL

set username = yourusername
# Note: if the password contains leading or trailing spaces, you must
# enclose it with quotes: set password = " example password "
#set password = yourpassword
set server = your.jabber.server
#set port = 5222
set ssl = 0
# If you don't know what a resource is, you can leave "mcabber" here.
set resource = mcabber
#set priority = 3

# Proxy
# mcabber can use a proxy if it supports the CONNECT method
# The proxy_user/proxy_pass variables are optional.
#set proxy_host = "proxy-hostname"
#set proxy_port = 3128
#set proxy_user = "username"
#set proxy_pass = "password"

# Keepalive
# If you need a ping/keepalive to leave your connection open, you
# can use the pinginterval.  Setting this option to 0 disables the ping.
# Default value is 40 seconds.
#set pinginterval = 40

# Set hide_offline_buddies to 1 to display only connected buddies
# in the roster.
#set hide_offline_buddies = 0

# Set the auto-away timeout, in seconds.  If set to a value >0,
# mcabber will change your status to away if no real activity is detected
# (command, message, move in the buddylist...).  Note: auto-away only changes
# the status when it is "available" (online) or "free_for_chat".
#set autoaway = 0

# History logging
# You can save the messages history: set logging = 1
# You can load (read) the messages history: set load_logs = 1
# Default logging directory (logging_dir) is $HOME/.mcabber/histo/
# Defaults for logging, load_logs are 0 (disabled)
# Note: the logging directory must exist if you enable logging, mcabber
#       will not create it.
#set logging = 1
#set load_logs = 1
#set logging_dir = /home/mikael/.mcabber/histo/

# External command for events
# You can specify a script or process to be launched when an event occurs.
# The command is called the following way:
#   $events_command MSG IN jabber@id        (when receiving a message)
#   $events_command MSG OUT jabber@id       (when sending a message)
#   $events_command STATUS X jabber@id      (new buddy status is X)
# See sample script in contrib/ directory.
#set events_command = /home/mikael/.mcabber/eventcmd

# Traces logging
# If you want advanced traces, please specify a file and a level here.
# There are currently 2 traceloglog levels:
#  lvl 1: most events of the log window are written to the file
#  lvl 2: debug logging (XML, etc.)
# Default is level 0, no trace logging
#set tracelog_level = 1
#set tracelog_file = /home/mikael/mcabber.log

#  Status messages
# The "message" value will override all others, take care!
#set message = Unique message status
#set message_avail     = I'm available
#set message_free      = I'm free for chat
#set message_dnd       = Please do not disturb
#set message_notavail  = I'm not available
#set message_away      = I'm away
#set message_autoaway  = Auto-away

#  Colors
# Colors are: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white
# You can use the "default" color, too (i.e. for transparent background)
#set color_background   = blue
#set color_general      = white
#set color_newmessage   = red
#set color_rosternormal = magenta
#set color_rosterselect = black
#set color_backselected = cyan

#  Aliases
alias online   = status online
alias away     = status away
alias dnd      = status dnd
alias notavail = status notavail

#  Key bindings
# Ctlr-X (24) bound to /roster alternate
bind 24 = roster alternate
# F5 (269) bound to /roster toggle_offline  (centericq-like, IIRC)
bind 269 = roster toggle_offline