view mcabber/src/compl.c @ 880:ea983a945eba

/buffer scroll_unlock: Don't always jump to the end of the buffer If there is no pending message, do not jump to the bottom of the buffer. For special buffers (e.g. for the status buffer) pending flag is currently disabled so we jump unconditionally.
author Mikael Berthe <>
date Sat, 27 May 2006 15:59:05 +0200
parents 80bd7f49075f
children f76b32ff2f14
line wrap: on
line source

 * compl.c      -- Completion system
 * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Mikael Berthe <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
 * your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
 * USA

/*  Usage, basically:
 * - new_completion();      // 1.   Initialization
 * - complete();            // 2.   1st completion
 * - cancel_completion();   // 3a.  2nd completion / cancel previous
 * - complete();            // 3b.  2nd completion / complete
 *   ...
 * - done_completion();     // n.   finished -- free allocated areas

#include <string.h>

#include "compl.h"
#include "roster.h"
#include "events.h"

// Completion structure
typedef struct {
  GSList *list;         // list of matches
  guint len_prefix;     // length of text already typed by the user
  guint len_compl;      // length of the last completion
  GSList *next;         // pointer to next completion to try
} compl;

// Category structure
typedef struct {
  guint flag;
  GSList *words;
} category;

static GSList *Categories;
static compl *InputCompl;

//  new_completion(prefix, compl_cat)
// . prefix    = beginning of the word, typed by the user
// . compl_cat = pointer to a completion category list (list of *char)
// Returns a pointer to an allocated compl structure.  This structure should
// be freed by the caller when not used anymore.
void new_completion(char *prefix, GSList *compl_cat)
  compl *c;
  GSList *sl_cat;
  size_t len = strlen(prefix);

  if (InputCompl) { // This should not happen, but hey...

  c = g_new0(compl, 1);
  // Build the list of matches
  for (sl_cat=compl_cat; sl_cat; sl_cat = g_slist_next(sl_cat)) {
    char *word = sl_cat->data;
    if (!strncasecmp(prefix, word, len)) {
      if (strlen(word) != len)
        c->list = g_slist_append(c->list, g_strdup(word+len)); // TODO sort
  c->next = c->list;
  InputCompl = c;

//  done_completion();
void done_completion(void)
  if (!InputCompl)  return;

  // TODO free everything
  InputCompl = NULL;

//  cancel_completion()
// Returns the number of chars to delete to cancel the completion
//guint cancel_completion(compl *c)
guint cancel_completion(void)
  if (!InputCompl)  return 0;
  return InputCompl->len_compl;

// Returns pointer to text to insert, NULL if no completion.
const char *complete()
  compl* c = InputCompl;
  char *r;

  if (!InputCompl)  return NULL;

  if (!c->next) {
    c->next = c->list;  // back to the beginning
    c->len_compl = 0;
    return NULL;
  r = (char*)c->next->data;
  c->next = g_slist_next(c->next);
  c->len_compl = strlen(r);
  return r;

/* Categories functions */

//  compl_add_category_word(categ, command)
// Adds a keyword as a possible completion in category categ.
void compl_add_category_word(guint categ, const char *word)
  GSList *sl_cat;
  category *cat;
  char *nword;
  // Look for category
  for (sl_cat=Categories; sl_cat; sl_cat = g_slist_next(sl_cat)) {
    if (categ == ((category*)sl_cat->data)->flag)
  if (!sl_cat) {   // Category not found, let's create it
    cat = g_new0(category, 1);
    cat->flag = categ;
    Categories = g_slist_append(Categories, cat);
  } else
    cat = (category*)sl_cat->data;

  // If word is not space-terminated, we add one trailing space
  for (nword = (char*)word; *nword; nword++)
  if (nword > word) nword--;
  if (*nword != ' ') {  // Add a space
    nword = g_new(char, strlen(word)+2);
    strcpy(nword, word);
    strcat(nword, " ");
  } else {              // word is fine
    nword = g_strdup(word);

  // TODO Check word does not already exist
  cat->words = g_slist_append(cat->words, nword); // TODO sort

//  compl_del_category_word(categ, command)
// Removes a keyword from category categ in completion list.
void compl_del_category_word(guint categ, const char *word)
  GSList *sl_cat, *sl_elt;
  category *cat;
  char *nword;
  // Look for category
  for (sl_cat=Categories; sl_cat; sl_cat = g_slist_next(sl_cat)) {
    if (categ == ((category*)sl_cat->data)->flag)
  if (!sl_cat) return;   // Category not found, finished!

  cat = (category*)sl_cat->data;

  // If word is not space-terminated, we add one trailing space
  for (nword = (char*)word; *nword; nword++)
  if (nword > word) nword--;
  if (*nword != ' ') {  // Add a space
    nword = g_new(char, strlen(word)+2);
    strcpy(nword, word);
    strcat(nword, " ");
  } else {              // word is fine
    nword = g_strdup(word);

  sl_elt = cat->words;
  while (sl_elt) {
    if (!strcasecmp((char*)sl_elt->data, nword)) {
      cat->words = g_slist_delete_link(cat->words, sl_elt);
      break; // Only remove first occurence
    sl_elt = g_slist_next(sl_elt);

//  compl_get_category_list()
// Returns a slist of all words in the categories specified by the given flags
GSList *compl_get_category_list(guint cat_flags)
  GSList *sl_cat;
  // Look for category
  // XXX Actually that's not that simple... cat_flags can be a combination
  // of several flags!
  for (sl_cat=Categories; sl_cat; sl_cat = g_slist_next(sl_cat)) {
    if (cat_flags == ((category*)sl_cat->data)->flag)
  if (sl_cat)       // Category was found, easy...
    return ((category*)sl_cat->data)->words;

  // Handle dynamic SLists
  if (cat_flags == COMPL_GROUPNAME) {
    return compl_list(ROSTER_TYPE_GROUP);
  if (cat_flags == COMPL_JID) {
    return compl_list(ROSTER_TYPE_USER);
  if (cat_flags == COMPL_RESOURCE) {
    return buddy_getresources_locale(NULL);
  if (cat_flags == COMPL_EVENTSID) {
    return evs_geteventslist(TRUE);

  return NULL;

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